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Publications in 2023

Screening for or diagnosing medial meniscal root injury using peripheral medial joint space
width ratio in plain radiographs

Pasin Asawatreratanakul,Tanarat Boonriong,Wachiraphan Parinyakhup,Chaiwat Chuaychoosakoon

Sci Rep


Single-stage Total Hip Arthroplasty and Fixation of Acetabulum
Fracture in Patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Chulin Chewakidakarn,Pornpanit Dissaneewate,Apipop Kritsaneepaiboon,Wich Olarnpiriyakul,
Khanin Iamthanaporn,

J Health Sci Med Res


Using a right-angle forceps clamp to pass a suture under the coracoid base in coracoclavicular stabilization: a technical note

Klabklay P, Maliwankul K,Chuaychoosakoon C.

Ann Med Surg (Lond)


Looping a suture under the coracoid process using a modified pelvic suture needle in coracoclavicular stabilization

Asavanapakas P,Klabklay P, Maliwankul K,Chuaychoosakoon C.

Ann Med Surg (Lond)


Using a modified recycled corkscrew suture anchor to pass a suture under the coracoid base

Chuaychoosakoon C,Klabklay P, Maliwankul K.

Arthrosc Tech


Partial infraspinatus tear with bursitis following an mRNA vaccination: a case report

Chuaychoosakoon C,Boonsri P.

Ann Med Surg (Lond)


Osteophyte-related medial collateral ligament injury in asymptomatic osteoarthritis following
minor trauma: a case report

Asavanapakas P,Parinyakhup W,Boonriong T,Boonsri P, Laohawiriyakamol T,Chuaychoosakoon C.

Ann Med Surg (Lond)


Displaced varus proximal humerus fracture with conservative treatment: a case report

Asavanapakas P,Klabklay P,Maliwankul K,Chuaychoosakoon C.

Ann Med Surg (Lond)


Do cemented standard-length femoral stems have enough longevity for the pathological fractures of the femoral neck with metastatic lesions? A retrospective study

Tuntarattanapong P,Iamthanaporn K,Watatham K,Sookjarern C,Hongnaparak T,Yuenyongviwat V.

Orthop Rev (Pavia)


The Efficacy of Topical Tranexamic Acid in Femoral Neck Fractured Patients Undergoing
Cemented Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty: A Randomized Double Blinded Controlled Trial

Hongnaparak T,Binlateh F, Iamthanaporn K,Tanutit P,Yuenyongviwat V.

Rev Bras Ortop


Screening for or diagnosing medial meniscal root injury using peripheral medial joint space width ratio in plain radiographs

Asawatreratanakul P,Boonriong T,Parinyakhup W,Chuaychoosakoon C.

Sci Rep


"Comparing the Anatomical Landmarks Versus the Coracoid-Based Landmarks Techniques for Coracoclavicular Stabilization After High-Grade Acromioclavicular Injury"

Klabklay P,Kwanyuang A,Tangjatsakow P,Kala S,Suklim P,Naknual N,Chuaychoosakoon C.

Orthop J Sports Med


Minimally invasive carpal tunnel release: A clinical case study and surgical technique

Wongsiri S,Sarasombath P,Liawrungrueang W.

Annals of Medicine and Surgery 84 (2022) 104950


No risk of iatrogenic peroneal nerve injury in all-inside lateral meniscal repair with either 14- or 18-mm needles through the popliteus tendon in the standard arthroscopic knee conditions

Asavanapakas P,Boonsri P,Parinyakhup W,Boonriong T,Chuaychoosakoon C.

Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc


Efficacy of a Combined Intramedullary, Periarticular Injection,and Intraarticular Tranexamic Acid Application on Postoperative Bleeding in Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Retrospective Case- Matched Study

Hongnaparak T,Iamthanaporn K,Tuntarattanapong P,Yuenyongviwat V.

Adv Orthop


Single-stage Total Hip Arthroplasty and Fixation of Acetabulum
Fracture in Patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Chewakidakarn C,Dissaneewate P,Kritsaneepaiboon A,Olarnpiriyakul W,Iamthanaporn K.

J Health Sci Med Res


© 2018 สาขาวิชาออร์โธปิดิกส์ คณะแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์

Department of Orthopedics, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand

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